Sunday, March 14, 2010

Last Playdate with Mom

Brecon had a bath and blow dry, his feet were trimmed and nails dremeled. Today is a big day. He's moving a bit north, and he's going to live with his new mom Elaine.

Until I was looking at these photos, I did not realize just how much Brecon is looking like his mom. He's like a mini-me Syd in a boy version.

I thought Syd and Brecon would enjoy one last play session together, just the two of them, before Brecon moved away. It still makes me smile to see the pure joy in Syd's expression when she's playing with her puppies.

Brecon washing his mom's face.
Smiling Syd. She loves her boy.

Love those ears. Like mother, like son.


Ear cleaning. A good mother makes sure her kids are all clean before they leave the house.

What a happy mom.

1 comment:

Melisse said...

I could just cry........