Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Meet The Girls

Here are Breezy's four girls. Hope you enjoy meeting them, and seeing their baby faces.

Red Girl 1. (You already met her in the post below)

Red Girl 2. So, so sweet.

Brindle Girl 1. AKA The Screamer

Brindle Girl 2. As quiet as her sister is noisy.


penni said...

They're so cute -- and they grow up so fast. I love this age, when they can't see or hear -- they just feel.

dreameyce said...

PS Tell Jacque to post more pics! She really needs to blog too. Darn life, getting in the way of puppy pics, and blogging!

dreameyce said...

I want #2, #3, and #4 please. Do you ship FedEx, or USPS, and will they stay this small??


BEAUTIFUL babies! You're really not helping my Cardi-puppy fever, and that's even with just getting Babyspitz to stop the box pooing daily!!

Holly said...

They are beautiful!

colorandtexture said...

Oh, they're just beautiful!!! It's hard to believe that those little tiny ears will be gigantic someday soon! Hope you're getting some sleep . . .

colorandtexture said...

oh, p.s., #2 quiet brindle girl has my heart . . .