Tuesday, November 24, 2009

24 Hours

The puppies have crossed 24 hours, and they seem to be doing well. Each has gained over an ounce from their birth weight (I'm so tired, I spelled that "wait" and had to go back and fix it- haa). So I'm hopeful that for now, they will continue to be OK. I'm seeing the slightest fuzz of fur on their toes and muzzles now. The red boy is a bit slow in the eating department, so I'm supplementing him a bit. Thankfully he took right to the bottle (I am now the proud owner of every brand of baby bottle Walmart carries in the baby section). The Playtex bottle worked like a charm, and everyone is happy! I just keep watching and waiting for some sign that the puppies are either out of the woods, or taking a bad turn. Right now, they are looking healthy.

I want to thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers for the boys and Syd, and for the puppies who were lost before they ever got started. Yesterday was tough for me, and the events were so quick it was surreal (until about the second time my alarm went off at the 2-hour increments). I'm so happy to have the two boys, and relieved that Sydney is OK. I also feel thiankful that if the other puppies were not able to make it, they didn't linger on and struggle.

Syd has taken to motherhood quite nicely, and I might even call her an over-achiever to the point where I have to tell her to knock it off on occasion. She'd really rather lay on my bed and have me deliver her puppies to her there for nursing, but we're going to have a talk about that one. Stay tuned for Sydney's bedtime story that she tells the two baby boys.


Cindy said...

It's great to hear that they have cleared one hurdle and are getting stronger. Now, if you can find someone to give you a break--we don't need you to get sick--there's another girl waiting in the wings!

Hugs to all.

penni said...

I'm so glad to hear the babies are gaining. You do need to get some rest though. What did the boys weigh at birth?

stjocorgi said...

Best news I've read all day! Hang in there. Looks like Sydney is definitely getting more rest than you are. Take care of yourself, too, please.

Sherilyn said...

Thank DOG they boys and Syd seem to be doing better. I've had you all on my mind and prayers the last 24 hours, and hoping to come back for some good news. Hugs to all of you, and yes, please get some rest! I wish we lived closer...we'd come spell you for a while, but I'm sure between Jacque and Norma, you will have your moral and physical support. We'll be keeping the positive vibes and prayers headed your way, and for Breezy, as well.

coopercreek said...

Woo Hoo!! Keep getting stronger, boys! Rest up, Sarah!

Claudia said...

I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I will continue to keep good thoughts for all of you. I hope Breezy is easier.

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Oh that is very good news! May they keep gaining and growing.