Thursday, November 12, 2009

In just five days

Breezy has nearly exploded! She has gained five pounds so far, but she's still as active and athletic as ever.
On the other side of the fence, though, is poor, poor sister Syd. Syd has gained 7 1/2 pounds, and she really looks it.

One of these girls is still a threat to the squirrel population in the neighborhood. The other, not so much.


penni said...

Poor, poor Syd. Looking at her makes me hurt!

Garrett808 said...

holy crap! Breezy ballooned! Zoe has only gained 4.5 pounds....thus far....

Sarah said...

I agree, Penni, I feel badly for her, especially since she still has to endure for another couple of weeks. The sad thing is when she tries to play with Darby or Hawklet. She's just no match for those little Vall-pups, and athletic flexibility is no longer in her vocabulary. Uncle Gizmo is more her speed these days, but he says he's not clear about these hormones. Half the time Syd is cleaning Gizzer's face and ears, almost obsessively doting on him. But for some unknown reason, starting yesterday, Uncle was not allowed to go nap in Nick's crate on the giant foam bed. She lumbers in from wherever she might be, darts over and cuts him off at the doorway and stands there acting like she has no idea Giz wanted to go in there. Gizzer just looks at me, not sure what he should do. He's a good old guy, and just goes to find another bed! I just shrug my shoulders and tell him that's just hormones talking!

Sarah said...

Garrett, Bree does look like she ballooned, but really just when she flips like this. Standing upright, she still is her svelte self, but now the tell-tale signs of all the hair on her underside pointing to the ground, and she's bigger around the ribs (she could use better rib spring anyway!). But she still has a pretty killer vertical jump, and I hope that she stays this way and not uncomfortable like her sister.

Maybe we'll have babies who share a birthday!?