CH Hurrikane Have Mercy*
Baby Avery finished her championship on Saturday with a 4-point major in Springfield, MO. I'm very proud of Avery, she was not too sure about all this dog show stuff when I started taking her to classes as a baby. But she quickly learned that dog shows = good treats, and that's all she needed. Now, Avery starts her canine pogo stick jumping when she sees the leash, and she's very happy to jump into the van to go on a ride. Good girl, Avery!
It seems like just yesterday she was born, amidst all the chaos of an unplanned c-section. I can't believe that in just a few weeks (for the girls, just one week til the boys have their first birthday!), it will have been a year since my beautiful, sweet, sassy puppies arrived and became the very first "Hurrikane" Cardigan puppies in our home.
*pending AKC confirmation
She's so beautiful. All of your babies are so good looking, and such personality!
Congratulations Sarah. She's a beautiful girl.
So this means that now she can come live with me, and beat of Roy Rogers? heehee
Congrats! Such a great job with these puppies, to have titles on both ends before they're even a year old is so awesome!
BIG congrats on the big finish! Ms. Avery is gorgeous (just ask Phantom...he's quite smitten with her! LOL) And Happy Barkday to the Hurrikane kiddos! Hard to believe it was a year ago...time flies! Hugs to all!
That was suppose to say beat UP Roy Rogers! Darn phone-posting, and my sleepyness! haha
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